Hi everyone,
After releasing the OGotcha converter I started working on a new combat simulator.
Yesterday I released TrashSim version 1.0.0.
You can load espionage reports via the API key, even for your ACS partners.
Also server settings are filled automatically!
Url: https://trashsim.universeview.be/
Still to be added: a How-to section & a IPM simulator.
Please take note that the simulations happen in your browser, so large simulations could take a while.
An advice would be to lower the number of simulations in the settings block.
Official OGame Origin thread: TrashSim on OGame Origin
It's still in the process of being tolerated, Origin is reorganising the whole toleration process, hopefully it'll be done soon!
But no worries there's nothing that could block the sim from being tolerated
Have fun