PTRE - Share Your Spy Reports (Discord / OGLight integration)

  • ptre_logo.png

    • Info: PTRE - Spy Report Sharing Tool (over Discord and IG)
    • Author: GeGe
    • Website: edited
    • Support: (to english channel)
    • Screenshot: check below
    • Browser: all
    • Compability: all
    • Languages: French or English


    I would like to introduce you to PTRE (standing for "Paye Ton RE", excuse my french, name was found a long time ago).

    PTRE is a Spy Report sharing tool over Discord and IG.

    Some context

    Late 2018, after the last French merge, our favorite website related to sharing spy reports (Topraider) was down for weeks and was not able to manage V7 even after beeing fixed.

    So i decided to create a tool to share spy reports between friends. Only Spy Reports storage and a Discord bot to manage it. That was PTRE.

    Now, the tool has a lot evolved and its mature to be shared with the community, i guess. I did it a week ago on the French board (link : PTRE FR). Design is not really something i care too much about (i am not web developer, at all ^^), nice features and "easy to use" is what i want (and what you get).

    I did kind of 2 large tests on more or less 10 top alliances in October 2020 ans Mars 2021. It was well received, so i would like to share it here also so it could help you guys.

    Features :

    Here are some of PTRE features (all features can be found on the PTRE english splash page). Screenshots are in french, but the website has an English version.


    PTRE allow anyone to create a team without personnal datas (such as email). A team can be a real alliance IG, or a group of friends or even one single guy. Connection to website is done via a shared Team Key (it will be saved into your browser).

    PTRE bot

    The PTRE bot can be invited by any Discord admin of your team server (no need for admin rights). Then, you just need to give it some access :
    - access to all channels
    - or only on channel "paye-ton-re" / "ptre" / "reports" (or whatever, name does not matter)

    The bot only gets API code and PTRE commands, nothing else (no flood). It is compatible avec AGRbot.

    Once installed, you need to match your Discord server to your PTRE team (its done by copy-pasting your API-WO key into a channel).

    Push from Discord

    Once configured, each and every API key posted will be uploaded to PTRE website in your private space.

    Discord bot will give some feedback statistics regarding fleet upgrade, ressources, etc.

    You may also post players banks, it will not be used as comparison when you will post full fleet next time.


    Push from OGLight

    You can also push Spy Reports directly from IG via OGLight addon (OGLight eng board). Thanks to nullNaN. He did not update his ENG post with new last version, screenshots and new features can be found on the OGLight download page. This tool is a must-have.

    To do that, you just need to add your Team Key into OGLight options and click on the "P" close to spy reports to upload it.

    Fleet evolution

    Once a Spy Report uploaded to PTRE, you can display details (french screenshots here, but its available in english).

    PTRE will display fleet evolution since last fleet update: global stats, stats for each kind of ship, and for ressources.

    Discord commands

    PTRE has a lot of discord command, you can:

    - do a research (pattern or exact search)

    - fleet flash feature: it will output a sumup of all scanned positions of a player

    - select a default univers to match all commands so other universe Spy Reports will not flood (you still may force research on other universe if you want)

    - display fleet top

    - display last reports

    - same commands with bunker (instead of fleet)



    Multi-team management

    PTRE can manage multi-teams into the same browser. That means you can save your PTRE Team Key for each and every universe you are playing and switch from a team to another with a simple click.

    Easy AG Simulator

    Easy AG simulator is a tool to manage huge team fight (like 5 versus 5 players) into trashsim without entering a single number into simulator. No need to add each and every kind of fleet type into Trashsim, PTRE will do it for you.

    You just need to upIoad each fleet into your private space and select your composition.

    No need to remove cargo, Deathstart, probes, etc of attackers, there is an option to do it.

    The tool can manage fleet "ungrouping" (dont know the correct term when you split your fleet to optimize combat versus Deathstars).

    I hope this tool may help other players too. At the start, it was only for our team, but it can be used by anyone now.

    Do not hesitate to give feedbacks or ask for features, i still work on it each weeks.

    Good game!

  • What's API-WO ? No worries, got this bit now.

    And, , when selecting default language as "en" it does not change language after you upload a probe API, it responds in French.

    Edited 2 times, last by 2 Pounds ().

  • What's API-WO ?

    Hello @2 Pounds

    It is the key you need to copy past into Discord to associate your Team to your Discord.

    You can find it on the Team page if connected as Team creator / admin (connected via the Admin Key instead of the Team key).

    Hope it helps you. You may come over on Discord if you need any more help.

  • Hello,

    Here is an update regarding new features :

    [rework] Rewrite bot code with a new up-to-date lib.

    [feature] Pushing SR from OGLight (OGLight english post) will notify Discord as a push directly from Discord. The message will be sent to the last channel used to push a SR (probably the default PTRE chan). You need to push at least one SR to Discord to enable this feature.

    [feature] Via OGLight, players IG activities are pushed to PTRE (see below for details)

    [feature] Display player IG activity graphic.

    [feature] Integration into OGLight of the best PTRE report (the informations and link will be displayed in the OGLight right pannel).

    [feature] You may choose how many SR are displayed in top menu last, top fleets, bunker (5, 10 or 20 results).

    [feature] User techs can be saved for each universe (instead of one set for all universes).

    [bugfix] Fix users techs sent to Trashsim.

    [display] V7 class is added to spy report and player profil.

    OGLight IG pannel:


    Details about player activiy graph:

    - To update IG player activities you need to pin a player in the right pannel and check all his positions.

    - Only the current pinned player activities will be sent.

    - Players activities are shared between all member of a PTRE team.

    - You can check global status of players activities on the status page.

    - The player activiy graph is displayed on profil player page (link on the OGLight pannel)

    - You can use filter to display the graph (timeframe + WE or not)

    - Its a experimental feature, you can give us update on the PTRE Discord.

    - At the moment, its planned to keep 1 month of data, will see how it goes.

    - VM mode and other stuffs need to be added

    Here is how it looks like:


  • Hello,

    Little update. The project is still moving forward, even if not a lot a visible features have been done recently. Here are some new features requested by users:

    - The command !ptre !push can force the output channel of the OGLight push notifications, instead of sending it to the last used channel by PTRE.

    - You can now migrate a spy report from an universe to another one. It was asked in order to manage spy reports after a merge.

    - You can now rename your Team (for those who created a test team and finaly kept the Team ^^).

    In addition, as it was a lot requested too: i asked RiV from AGR to integrate the PTRE spy report push into his tool (like done in OGLight). He seems ok with it, its more a matter of time. Will see...

    Link reminder:

    Website: (edited as it is not tolerated yet)

    Discord: Discord PTRE

  • Hello,

    Here is an update of last features added to PTRE:

    - Improvement of Team Swap: when opening a report (or player profile page), you no longer need to use Team page to swap Teams

    - Improvement of player profile page: add best fleet scanned + cartography

    - Add a feature to allow deleting in one action all reports of a none-existing player (could be extended to all player, will see during merge)

    - Add the defence recap to Discord updates

    - Add link to player profile during Discord updates

    - Add a feature to restore Admin/Team Key when lost

    - The universe menu only displays your universes (when logged in)

    - Player's activities are directly displayed ingame via OGLight (this presentation post is not up-to-date, FR one here)


  • Hi,

    Small update after some of your feedbacks:

    - You can now filter activity graphic only with main planet activity (via website)

    - Meta-Team: two Teams can share their ingame activity datas (not spy reports)

    - Ingame activity datas are now displayed within the server timezone (ingame time)

    - Rework Team page

  • Hello,

    Today we are updating some OGLight / PTRE integration features:

    - syncing galaxy informations (coordinates) accross PTRE Coalition's users

    - logging galaxy activity to Discord

    (Reminder: A Coalition allow two PTRE Teams to share all their ingame activites imports + galaxy informations (coordinates) without sharing spy reports.)

    To demonstrate the first feature: if Arthur finds Valentin's mobile moon in the galaxy, all members of Arthur's Coalition (and Team) will be able to see Valentin's mobile when they display OGL coordinates (even if they never saw Valentin's mobile).

    Then, to enable logging:

    - create a channel (or use one already created, but its not recommended)

    - add PTRE bot

    - type: !ptre !gala

    You may change the ranking filter (default: 2000).


  • Hello,

    Some news about requested features:

    - Improve multiple Teams management on a single Discord: "auto channel" mode (no need to override default channel in the command, see below for details)

    - Reporting a SR as deprecated no more redirect to the reported management page

    - Add english traduction of Easy ACS Simulator

    - Improve planet import and sharing across Team

    - Add Privacy page (was requested by Discord to keep Verified Bot status)

    Regarding the "auto channel" feature:

    The goal is to play several universes on the same Discord without having to override each commands with universes and to get notifications in the right place. To enable this, you need to setup your Discord with on channel per universes played (for spy report and galaxy notifications if wanted) + on default channel. It should look like:



    • Their is no limit to the number of universes (the team who asked for it is playing 7 universes on the same Discord...)
    • Channel names matters except for default channel (you may keep your actuel one)
    • You also may create a channel for galaxy notifications (not mandatory, just go to default channel and type !ptre !gala to enable it)

    Once Discord configured, you may to your default channel (here ptre-default) and type: !ptre !autochannel. You will receive notifications in the right channel AND all the command you will type in thoses channel will be executed only into the matching universes.

    If you need help, you may reach me on Discord: