[TOT: 2.472.566.000] ReX [HAN] vs. Omega [Lawless] (S: 160.000, D: 2.472.406.000)

  • [align=center]

    06-12-2022 --:--:-- tarihinde karşılaşan filolar:

    Saldıran ReX [HAN]


    Reaper 75.000


    Savunan Omega [Lawless]


    Kruvazör 1.375

    Solar Uydu 3.362

    Fırkateyn 25.305

    Crawler 859

    Roketatar 100.000

    Hafif Lazer Topu 10.643

    Ağır Lazer Topu 1.000

    Gaus Topu 500

    Iyon Topu 1.000

    Plazma Atıcı 100

    Küçük Kalkan Kubbesi 1

    Büyük Kalkan Kubbesi 1


    Savaş sonrası ...

    Saldıran ReX [HAN]


    Reaper 74.999 ( -1 )


    Savunan Omega [Lawless]


    Yok edildi!


    Savaşı saldıran taraf kazandı!

    Saldıran taraf ele geçiriyor:

    6.403.476 Metal, 1.177.552 Kristal ve 900.113 Deuterium

    Saldıran taraf, toplam 160.000 birim kaybetti.

    Savunan taraf, toplam 2.472.406.000 birim kaybetti.

    Şu an bu koordinatta 473.071.800 metal ve 618.193.200 kristal bulunuyor.

    Saldıran taraf, toplam 8.481.141 birim ele geçirdi.

    Ay oluşma ihtimali 20%.

    Saldıran(lar) harabeyi topladı.

    Kâr/zararın özeti:

    Özet saldıran(s)

    Metal: 479.390.276

    Kristal: 619.315.752

    Deuterium: 880.113

    Saldıran tarafından yapılan kâr 1.099.586.141 birimdir.

    Özet savunan(s)

    Metal: -1.036.795.976

    Kristal: -1.054.326.052

    Deuterium: -389.765.113

    Savunan toplam 2.480.887.141 kadar birim kaybetti.

    Coming soon ..

  • Can you please provide and English translation to the above as you are required to do so.

    Please adhere to the board rules as you are required. I am tired of posting them to you in a polite and civilized manner only to be entirely ignored every post.

    You are REQUIRED to post AT MINIMUM English translations to ALL languages that are not English both in game and on the board. It is YOUR responsibility - it is unacceptable to say "translate this if you want".

  • Besides the language, i'm pretty sure that creating multis to circumvent a forum ban is not allowed. But this guy seems adamant that, for some unspecified reasons, the forum rules do not apply to him.

    uni1.en - Supernoob

  • All of that aside - I want to see the GO approval for these hits as they are tagged as "Bounty" hits. This would mean that someone lower than ReX is paying res for these hits to occur, but I cannot see anything in the board regarding headhunts/bounties on these most recent hits.

    Some clarity would be great if you are willing to prove some ogamekartaca :thumbsup:

  • I am sorry guys.

    I had some problems with the translation, I think this report is in the correct language.

    Lucifer couldn't log in to the forum account, so he asked me to. Sorry for the first time I've prepared a report.

    On 06-12-2022 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:

    Attacker ReX [HAN]


    Reaper 75.000


    Defender Omega [Lawless]


    Cruiser 1.375

    Solar Satellite 3.362

    Battlecruiser 25.305

    Crawler 859

    Rocket Launcher 100.000

    Light Laser 10.643

    Heavy Laser 1.000

    Gauss Cannon 500

    Ion Cannon 1.000

    Plasma Turret 100

    Small Shield Dome 1

    Large Shield Dome 1


    After the battle ...

    Attacker ReX [HAN]


    Reaper 74.999 ( -1 )


    Defender Omega [Lawless]




    The attacker has won the battle!

    The attacker captured:

    6.403.476 Metal, 1.177.552 Crystal and 900.113 Deuterium

    The attacker lost a total of 160.000 units.

    The defender lost a total of 2.472.406.000 units.

    At these space coordinates now float 473.071.800 metal and 618.193.200 crystal.

    The attacker captured a total of 8.481.141 units.

    The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.

    The attacker(s) captured the debris.

    Summary of profit/losses:

    Summary attackers(s)

    Metal: 479.390.276

    Crystal: 619.315.752

    Deuterium: 880.113

    The attacker(s) made a profit of 1.099.586.141 units.

    Summary defender(s)

    Metal: -1.036.795.976

    Crystal: -1.054.326.052

    Deuterium: -389.765.113

    The defender(s) lost a total of 2.480.887.141 units.

    Powered by OGotcha CR Converter 4.3.2

  • Thank you for posting the translation <3:flowers: - note the reason that Lucifer is unable to log into the board accounts is because they are currently :cbanned: as he was using multiple board accounts which is strictly forbidden.

  • loooool lucifer asked to post hahhahahahahha LUCIFER GO DIE Brother.

    Im the lucifer clone, a retarded that thinks he is good but he is not, remember my picture and when you see me on Whatsapp or Discrod, remember that im a real retarded. kthnxbye