Hardware change

  • Ahoy!

    On Wednesday, August 2, at 11:00 CEST we will move some servers to a different hardware.

    List of servers:

    - br_160 (Himalia)

    - cz_174 (Volans)

    - cz_175 (Weywot)

    - de_251 (Vela)

    - en_193 (Ozone)

    - en_198 (Thuban)

    - pt_157 (Europa)

    - ru_190 (Lacerta)

    - tr_193 (Ozone)

    - us_186 (Halley)

    :!: The affected servers will have attack block enable at 10:00 and will last for 24h (it might be adjusted if needed and in that case it will be communicated).

    Your OGame Team

  • Ahoy!

    On Monday, August 7, at 11:00 CEST we will move some servers to a different hardware.

    List of servers:
    - ar_143 (Quaoar)
    - ar_148 (Virgo)
    - cz_169 (Quasar)
    - de_187 (Isonoe)
    - en_174 (Volans)
    - es_192 (Narvi)
    - es_193 (Ozone)
    - es_196 (Rasalas)
    - fr_172 (Tucana)
    - hr_109 (Io)
    - hr_128 (Betelgeuse)
    - hu_151 (Yildun)
    - nl_3 (Universe 3)
    - pl_197 (Saros)
    - pt_156 (Dorado)
    - pt_160 (Himalia)
    - ro_124 (Xalynth)
    - ru_1 (Universe 1)
    - tr_191 (Mathilde)
    - tw_148 (Virgo)

    The affected servers will have attack block enable at 10:00 and will last for 24h (it might be adjusted if needed and in that case it will be communicated).

    Your OGame Team

    Edited once, last by shinesun ().

  • Ahoy!

    On Monday, August 14, at 11:00 CEST we will move some servers to a different hardware.

    List of servers:

    - ar_147 (Uriel)

    - de_189 (Kerberos)

    - de_191 (Mathilde)

    - de_198 (Thuban)

    - en_185 (Gaspra)

    - en_187 (Isonoe)

    - en_195 (Quadrantids)

    - es_188 (Juno)

    - fr_191 (Mathilde)

    - hu_152 (Zibal)

    - it_192 (Narvi)

    - it_194 (Perseus)

    - pl_187 (Isonoe)

    - pl_190 (Lacerta)

    - ro_132 (Fidis)

    - tr_188 (Juno)

    The affected servers will have attack block enable at 10:00 and will last for 24h (it might be adjusted if needed and in that case it will be communicated).

    Your OGame Team

  • Ahoy!

    On Tuesday, August 15, at 11:00 CEST we will move some servers to a different hardware.

    List of servers:

    - br_159 (Galatea)

    - de_190 (Lacerta)

    - de_195 (Quadrantids)

    - de_199 (Undae)

    - en_189 (Kerberos)

    - en_190 (Lacerta)

    - en_192 (Narvi)

    - en_194 (Perseus)

    - es_189 (Kerberos)

    - fr_190 (Lacerta)

    - fr_192 (Narvi)

    - it_188 (Juno)

    - it_193 (Ozone)

    - nl_151 (Yildun)

    - pl_117 (Quantum)

    - pt_153 (Aquarius)

    The affected servers will have attack block enable at 10:00 and will last for 24h (it might be adjusted if needed and in that case it will be communicated).

    Your OGame Team

  • Ahoy!

    On Wednesday, August 16, at 11:00 CEST we will move some servers to a different hardware.

    List of servers:

    - cz_166 (Norma)

    - de_122 (Vega)

    - de_193 (Ozone)

    - de_194 (Perseus)

    - de_196 (Rasalas)

    - en_191 (Mathilde)

    - fr_193 (Ozone)

    - fr_194 (Perseus)

    - fr_195 (Quadrantids)

    - hu_153 (Aquarius)

    - it_187 (Isonoe)

    - pl_68 (Universe 68)

    - pl_188 (Juno)

    - pt_154 (Bellatrix)

    - tw_146 (Tarazed)

    The affected servers will have attack block enable at 10:00 and will last for 24h (it might be adjusted if needed and in that case it will be communicated).

    Your OGame Team

  • Ahoy!

    On Monday, August 21, at 11:00 CEST we will move some servers to a different hardware.

    List of servers:

    - ar_145 (Spica)

    - ar_146 (Tarazed)

    - br_153 (Aquarius)

    - br_154 (Bellatrix)

    - cz_164 (Leda)

    - cz_165 (Mensa)

    - cz_167 (Octans)

    - cz_168 (Pasiphae)

    - cz_172 (Tucana)

    - dk_144 (Rhea)

    - gr_134 (Hyperion)

    - gr_135 (Izar)

    - gr_136 (Japetus)

    - hr_126 (Zagadra)

    - hr_127 (Antares)

    - hu_149 (Wezn)

    - hu_150 (Xanthus)

    - hu_154 (Bellatrix)

    - mx_137 (Kallisto)

    - mx_138 (Libra)

    - mx_139 (Merkur)

    - mx_140 (Nusakan)

    - nl_150 (Xanthus)

    - nl_152 (Zibal)

    - nl_156 (Dorado)

    - pt_155 (Cosmos)

    - ro_140 (Nusakan)

    - ro_141 (Oberon)

    - ro_142 (Polaris)

    - ro_143 (Quaoar)

    - sk_122 (Vega)

    - tw_142 (Polaris)

    - tw_143 (Quaoar)

    - tw_144 (Rhea)

    - tw_145 (Spica)

    - tw_147 (Uriel)

    The affected servers will have attack block enable at 10:00 and will last for 24h (it might be adjusted if needed and in that case it will be communicated).

    Your OGame Team

  • Ahoy!

    On Monday, September 4 , at 11:00 CEST we will move some servers to a different hardware.

    The affected servers will have attack block enable at 10:00 and will last for 24h

    (it might be adjusted if needed and in that case it will be communicated).

    Your OGame Team

  • Ahoy!

    On Thursday, September 7 , at 11:00 CEST we will move some servers to a different hardware.

    The affected servers will have attack block enable at 10:00 and will last for 24h

    (it might be adjusted if needed and in that case it will be communicated).

    Your OGame Team

  • Ahoy!

    On Tuesday, September 12, at 11:00 CEST we will move some servers to a different hardware.

    The affected servers will have attack block enable at 10:00 and will last for 24h (it might be adjusted if needed and in that case it will be communicated).

    Your OGame Team

  • Ahoy!

    On Thursday, September 14, at 11:00 CEST we will move some servers to a different hardware.

    The affected servers will have attack block enable at 10:00 and will last for 24h (it might be adjusted if needed and in that case it will be communicated).

    Your OGame Team