On Monday, September 4 , at 11:00 CEST we will move some servers to a different hardware.
List of servers:
- br_156 (Dorado)
- br_157 (Europa)
- dk_119 (Sirius)
- dk_143 (Quaoar)
- dk_1 (Universe 1)
- gr_132 (Fidis)
- hr_122 (Vega)
- hu_147 (Uriel)
- hu_148 (Virgo)
- nl_154 (Bellatrix)
- pt_158 (Fenrir)
- pt_159 (Galatea)
- si_101 (Andromeda)
- sk_108 (Hydra)
- sk_115 (Orion)
- tw_134 (Hyperion)
- tw_138 (Libra)
- tw_141 (Oberon)
The affected servers will have attack block enable at 10:00 and will last for 24h (it might be adjusted if needed and in that case it will be communicated).
Your OGame Team