[TOT: 14.502.310.500] King Rabbit [MUPPETS] vs. hooded [Hermits] (A: 479.979.000, D: 14.022.331.500) TP: {}

  • Hello u1,

    Long time no see, hope you all are doing well.

    I created a little bit of time from my real life hustles and decided to check around.

    Dedication goes to Kitty, Kevlar and best rodent ever!

    Trying to stay relevant. :wink3:

    On 28-10-2024 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:

    Attacker King Rabbit [MUPPETS]

    Weapons 310% - Shields 300% - Armour 320%


    Cruiser 7.777.777


    Defender hooded [Hermits]

    Weapons 220% - Shields 220% - Armour 220%


    Small Cargo 2.432

    Large Cargo 534.411

    Light Fighter 765

    Heavy Fighter 399

    Cruiser 561

    Battleship 210

    Colony Ship 2

    Recycler 29.070

    Bomber 31

    Solar Satellite 2.201

    Deathstar 183

    Battlecruiser 222

    Crawler 1.165

    Reaper 599

    Pathfinder 445

    Rocket Launcher 2.084.915

    Light Laser 27.600

    Heavy Laser 12.605

    Gauss Cannon 2.400

    Ion Cannon 10.255

    Plasma Turret 4.392

    Small Shield Dome 1

    Large Shield Dome 1


    After the battle ...

    Attacker RyaRaineS [MUPPETS]


    Cruiser 7.761.226 ( -16.551 )


    Defender hooded [Hermits]




    The attacker has won the battle!

    The attacker captured:

    19.497.224.024 metal, crystal and 1.534.082.505 deuterium

    9.748.612.012 metal, 582.127.195 crystal and 767.042.101 deuterium

    4.874.306.006 metal, 291.064.650 crystal and 383.521.991 deuterium

    2.437.153.003 metal, 145.533.063 crystal and 191.761.656 deuterium

    1.218.580.175 metal, 72.767.164 crystal and 95.881.393 deuterium

    The attacker lost a total of 479.979.000 units.

    Total damage attacker including follow-ups: 671.408.000 units.

    The defender lost a total of 14.022.331.500 units.

    Total damage defender including follow-ups: units.

    At these space coordinates now float 1.451.533.200 metal and 1.289.727.600 crystal.

    Extra debris caused by the follow-up(s): 39.606.000 metal and 13.862.100 crystal.

    The attacker captured a total of 43.003.909.431 units.

    The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.

    The attacker(s) captured the debris.

    Summary of profit/losses:

    Summary attackers(s)

    Metal: 38.803.974.420

    Crystal: 3.397.270.265

    Deuterium: 2.925.985.646

    The attacker(s) made a profit of units.

    Summary defender(s)

    Metal: -56.062.430.220

    Crystal: -7.364.894.565

    Deuterium: -3.635.740.146

    The defender(s) lost a total of units.

    Powered by OGotcha CR Converter 5.0.0-beta


    "Fenrir, the giant wolf, could not be constrained by any means known to man, so the dwarves forged a chain, but not from metal. Nothing made by man could constrain Fenrir, so they forged it from the things we cannot see and the things we cannot hear. Like the breath of a fish… the sound a moving cat makes. The roots… of a mountain."

    Edited once, last by Neotinea ().

  • Love the cruiser 7s, sounds like a lottery win with all that profit. wp fr def tho


    ... “Power comes in response to a need, not a desire.” ...

    >> :biggrin: costs NOTHING, but means EVERYTHING :check::check: <<

  • Sweet round of profits, well done. The 7 terminology could be:

    The number seven can represent a full and complete world, or the idea of wholeness and perfection.

    Fast RB to Def.

    Proud member of Muppets uni 1.org
    Leader and Diplomat of Kebab uni 1.dk
    Proud member of Relax uni Quantum.DK

    Leader and Diplomat of LOA Quaoar.dk

    Leader and Diplomat of MLP Sirius.dk

    Proud member of Scorpio.org

  • That's very decent profit on an elusive target, congratulations and enjoy.:thumbsup:

    GLOTR Hooded :blackeye:


  • [:censored: by KaZe]

    Relevance comes in several shapes and form.

    Glorious 1 is back in town. If the next couple sentences make sense to you, you are at risk.

    At best, you will be baalized. At worst, your physical and mental well-being is at stake. You will likely forget what uninterrupted sleep is. Your immune system will steadily decline. Your will to fight will be broken. You will regret having invested so much into nothing.

    Edited once, last by .KaZe. ().

  • All I read is cimbi makes asses swollen.

    Probably needs antibiotics mate.

    Is this your expert opinion hasbulla?

    Seems like u could use a mega dose of penicillin.

    Glorious 1 is back in town. If the next couple sentences make sense to you, you are at risk.

    At best, you will be baalized. At worst, your physical and mental well-being is at stake. You will likely forget what uninterrupted sleep is. Your immune system will steadily decline. Your will to fight will be broken. You will regret having invested so much into nothing.

    Edited once, last by cimbi31 ().

  • Sad that Kitty was mentioned before me, but fair.

    Congrats. The amount of stuff you pass off to everyone else to hit, its nice to see you hit something every once in a while.


    Ex Board Admin / Game Op - Ogame.us
    Ex Game Admin/ Board Admin - Ogame.se

  • More like stitches mate, but I love the feel of a wrist in the morning.

    I'd say least it's not green, but evidence suggest it is

    Chief wrist insertion specialist
    Least Respected Husband award 4 years running.

  • Hello,

    The ingame names of all attackers and defenders


    Your CR is not correct: it mentions the name of an account that does not exist IG. As indicated by the excerpt from the rules I quoted above, it's the IG nicknames that must appear.

    I've modified your CR and invite you to use the correct name in future.


    "Когда ты смотришь на мир, помни, что каждый человек — это книга, о которой ты ничего не знаешь."

    > Forum rules <

  • Neotinea

    Changed the title of the thread from “[TOT: 14.502.310.500] RyaRaineS [MUPPETS] vs. hooded [Hermits] (A: 479.979.000, D: 14.022.331.500) TP: {}” to “[TOT: 14.502.310.500] King Rabbit [MUPPETS] vs. hooded [Hermits] (A: 479.979.000, D: 14.022.331.500) TP: {}”.