Tato rychlá akce se naplánovala o 4 hodině ráno a o 2 hodiny později se letělo. Souhra náhod, že jsme byli online a podařilo se nám chytnout Kalibera offline.
Na začátku vesmíru, kdy se věci trochu usadily, jsem byl dokonce i s hráčem Ceres v alianci s Kaliber k-4, všechno vypadalo růžově, až do doby, kdy Kaliber k-4 zneužil aliance k tomu, aby mi sestřelil letku. Následně se zvedla velká vlna podpory vesměs od všech lidí ve vesmíru. Takhle se fér člověk prostě nechová. Uplynulo pár měsíců, kdy jsme zbrojili a během toho se snažili likvidovat co se dalo u Kalibra, který během této doby hrál jen z dovolenkového režimu. Dnes se nám ho podařilo odchytit, když byl rozmražený a offline.
Tímto bych chtěl poděkovat a věnovat bitvu všem hráčům ve vesmíru Cetus za souhru a spolupráci, ať už jste se podíleli jakkoliv.
On 29-12-2024 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:
Attacker Crux [BoG]
Light Fighter 2.100.050
Heavy Fighter 313.092
Cruiser 563.633
Battleship 78.907
Bomber 7.870
Destroyer 64.369
Battlecruiser 318.219
Reaper 64.378
Pathfinder 117.569
Attacker Ceres [BoG]
Small Cargo 211
Large Cargo 49.105
Light Fighter 1.315.519
Heavy Fighter 7.550
Cruiser 211.911
Battleship 2.781
Espionage Probe 167.788
Bomber 1.391
Destroyer 36.643
Battlecruiser 157.010
Reaper 26.647
Pathfinder 37.159
Attacker DOS [BBO]
Light Fighter 1.633.463
Heavy Fighter 216.307
Cruiser 100.015
Battleship 44.330
Bomber 42.177
Destroyer 201.541
Battlecruiser 51.506
Reaper 24.430
Defender Kaliber k-4 [Dreams]
Small Cargo 499.528
Large Cargo 39.528
Light Fighter 825.101
Heavy Fighter 17.827
Cruiser 124.932
Battleship 240.000
Colony Ship 5
Recycler 609.426
Espionage Probe 462.275
Bomber 3.733
Destroyer 7.920
Battlecruiser 547.356
Reaper 1.213
Pathfinder 94.878
After the battle ...
Attacker Crux [BoG]
Light Fighter 1.324.911 ( -775.139 )
Heavy Fighter 232.470 ( -80.622 )
Cruiser 543.020 ( -20.613 )
Battleship 78.771 ( -136 )
Bomber 7.869 ( -1 )
Destroyer 64.369 ( -0 )
Battlecruiser 318.160 ( -59 )
Reaper 64.378 ( -0 )
Pathfinder 109.423 ( -8.146 )
Attacker Ceres [BoG]
Small Cargo 122 ( -89 )
Large Cargo 39.020 ( -10.085 )
Light Fighter 836.496 ( -479.023 )
Heavy Fighter 5.731 ( -1.819 )
Cruiser 203.655 ( -8.256 )
Battleship 2.778 ( -3 )
Espionage Probe 94.849 ( -72.939 )
Bomber 1.391 ( -0 )
Destroyer 36.643 ( -0 )
Battlecruiser 157.005 ( -5 )
Reaper 26.647 ( -0 )
Pathfinder 34.797 ( -2.362 )
Attacker DOS [BBO]
Light Fighter 1.032.313 ( -601.150 )
Heavy Fighter 161.160 ( -55.147 )
Cruiser 95.925 ( -4.090 )
Battleship 44.245 ( -85 )
Bomber 42.175 ( -2 )
Destroyer 201.539 ( -2 )
Battlecruiser 51.496 ( -10 )
Reaper 24.430 ( -0 )
Defender Kaliber k-4 [Dreams]
The attacker has won the battle!
The attacker captured:
2.721.850.468 metal, crystal and 1.578.596.859 deuterium
The attacker lost a total of units.
The defender lost a total of 86.392.821.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 32.778.659.154 metal, 25.438.369.893 crystal and 7.311.786.559 deuterium.
The attacker captured a total of 6.475.717.747 units.
The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.
The attacker(s) captured the debris.
Summary of profit/losses:
Summary attackers(s)
Metal: 28.292.543.622
Crystal: 24.679.521.313
Deuterium: 8.739.216.418
The attacker(s) made a profit of 61.711.281.353 units.
Summary defender(s)
Metal: -43.877.948.468
Crystal: -36.774.808.420
Deuterium: -12.215.781.859
The defender(s) lost a total of 92.868.538.747 units.