Po dnesnych par chabych pokusoch o... vlastne neviem o co zo strany MLD (hromadne MD nasich moonov v ich "safe systeme"), prisla hlasna odveta a odskakala si to 2ha najvecsia MLD letka.
Kedze bray ma nejaky bot/hack na fake aktivitu (to este nahlasim, a par dalsich ktory pouzivaju tuto premiovu funkciu), po dlhodobom sledovani som letel aj cez aktivitu.
Na poslednu chvilu som este postavil par rec za vsetko co bolo k dispozicii, no i tak som tam nechal 2mld kovu, tento zbytok svojho aliancneho kolegu pozberal Illidan k comu mu gratulujem, chybalo len velmi velmi malo a zobral by som aj to, ale coskoro si to u neho vyzdvihnem.
Brayovi prajem rychlu obnovu, ako to dokazal posledne, surek neni vo vesmire nikdy dost.
Utok venujem nasmu padlemu vojakovi Titanovi
On 04-01-2025 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:
Light Fighter 1.435.734
Heavy Fighter 83.068
Cruiser 118.681
Battleship 324.061
Espionage Probe 101.369
Bomber 20.371
Destroyer 10.603
Battlecruiser 264.137
Reaper 20.602
Pathfinder 47.490
Defender bray [M-L-D]
Small Cargo 90.078
Large Cargo 52.013
Light Fighter 123.151
Heavy Fighter 39.555
Cruiser 18.937
Battleship 109.313
Recycler 96.804
Espionage Probe 51.680
Bomber 7.402
Destroyer 126.208
Deathstar 3
Battlecruiser 95.914
Reaper 3.169
Pathfinder 23.806
After the battle ...
Light Fighter 819.922 ( -615.812 )
Heavy Fighter 52.810 ( -30.258 )
Cruiser 99.155 ( -19.526 )
Battleship 313.404 ( -10.657 )
Espionage Probe 53.244 ( -48.125 )
Bomber 20.143 ( -228 )
Destroyer 10.587 ( -16 )
Battlecruiser 260.244 ( -3.893 )
Reaper 20.592 ( -10 )
Pathfinder 37.206 ( -10.284 )
Defender bray [M-L-D]
The attacker has won the battle!
The attacker captured:
211.066.717 metal, 235.746.707 crystal and 21.848.999 deuterium
The attacker lost a total of 4.693.456.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 36.644.623.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float metal, crystal and 3.255.929.344 deuterium.
The attacker captured a total of 468.662.423 units.
The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.
The attacker(s) captured the debris.
Summary of profit/losses:
Summary attackers(s)
Metal: 12.326.767.988
Crystal: 11.064.342.293
The attacker(s) made a profit of 26.485.309.624 units.
Summary defender(s)
Metal: -18.870.761.717
Crystal: -14.289.504.707
Deuterium: -3.953.018.999
The defender(s) lost a total of units.