Solo Top 01 - [TOT: 359.842.707.000] Frost [SUB_ZERO] vs. ZODIAC [MOFS] (A: 74.923.348.000, D: 284.919.359.000)

  • Where to start....)) our story is long as Aries itself.
    I tried few times before - always luckily come before hit... not this time...
    probably its hit against most arrogant player in Aries... Where is skill ? hiting idle targets that come from v-mode... or sure-hit MD setuped by your team mates... I did not see your skill Ameno, sorry only DM usage and nice team oh and very long tongue. I must admit you have very good team from the start of uni... Sadly where are they now? You called yourself "rulers"...

    But main problem defender you have no respect to oponents, take this hit as lesson: always respect oponents... and maybe next time we meet - we will be in diff situation.

    dedi to my Winter team, and to all who lost fleet to Mofs.

    On 06-01-2025 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:

    Attacker Frost [SUB_ZERO]


    Cruiser 5.213.767

    Espionage Probe 1.000.516

    Battlecruiser 3.011.010

    Pathfinder 165.055


    Defender ZODIAC [MofS]


    Small Cargo 942.199

    Large Cargo 200.675

    Light Fighter 10.116.111

    Heavy Fighter 1.008.494

    Cruiser 1.508.457

    Battleship 130.370

    Colony Ship 11

    Recycler 1.000.000

    Espionage Probe 2.502.325

    Bomber 40.343

    Destroyer 180.237

    Deathstar 3.800

    Battlecruiser 1.001.799

    Reaper 19.072

    Pathfinder 121.217

    Rocket Launcher 102


    After the battle ...

    Attacker Frost [SUB_ZERO]


    Cruiser 3.421.300 ( -1.792.467 )

    Espionage Probe 39.523 ( -960.993 )

    Battlecruiser 2.780.488 ( -230.522 )

    Pathfinder 88.073 ( -76.982 )


    Defender ZODIAC [MofS]




    The attacker has won the battle!

    The attacker captured:

    1.387.673.751 metal, 1.462.114.116 crystal and 412.194.498 deuterium

    The attacker lost a total of 74.923.348.000 units.

    The defender lost a total of 284.919.359.000 units.

    At these space coordinates now float 96.690.348.500 metal, 65.149.650.500 crystal and deuterium.

    The attacker captured a total of 3.261.982.365 units.

    The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.


    combatreport.harvest.attacker.captured metal, crystal and deuterium

    22.605.262.559 metal, 4.983.555.750 crystal and 0 deuterium

    13.918.983.690 metal, 0 crystal and 0 deuterium

    96.690.348.499 metal, 65.149.658.000 crystal and deuterium

    Summary of profit/losses:

    Summary attackers(s)

    Metal: 54.697.166.250

    Crystal: 42.727.900.116

    Deuterium: 10.834.826.998

    The attacker(s) made a profit of 108.259.893.364 units.

    Summary defender(s)

    Metal: -151.387.718.751

    Crystal: -107.877.543.116

    Deuterium: -28.916.079.498

    The defender(s) lost a total of 288.181.341.365 units.

    Powered by OGotcha CR Converter 5.0.0-beta

    At the end I will be there. For the final battle. For the Wolftime." - Leman Russ' last words

    Aries top1

  • I have always been celebrating hits on mofs, but this one is by far the best one I have seen, due to the way Ameno has been acting throughout his whole times in Aries. A guy that have no respect towards others, calls himself the greatest, just from doing some hits in the early stages of the universe.. A guy that couldn't catch a fleet, started a new acc and tried to infiltrate my former alliance to get online times. I will never think or believe that Ameno was one of the skilled players in Aries.

    But enough of that. This is amazing Frost! I know how wild you have hunted Ameno and the rest of mofs and you have almost cleaned all of them. I guess we will see Balkan here soon aswell.

    It's a pleasure to share this ogame experience with you! Looking forward to merge ;)

    GG EZ

  • This will go down in ogame history as one of the greatest!

    To me this was inevitable but seeing it happen was nonetheless incredible.

    Amazing hit Frost, you have turned the tide and annihilated mofs completely!

    Zodiac i hope this will be a lesson to you to count your blessings and not put yourself on such high pedestals while putting others down, in the future.

    “there is no greater danger than underestimating your opponents”

    Edited once, last by Comrade T ().

  • Congratulations!!! Incredible feat and a cause for celebration for all who got trash talked by so-called "rulers" of Aries. Sounds like the chapter of Aries is slowly coming to a close...

  • King Rabbit

    Added the Label New Number 1 Solo
  • Congrats on the new number one Solo hit Frost. You are a true gentleman and one of the most honorable and skilled players I have known. You have led from the front!

    You did it! You D Man!

  • Zodiac.

    Your account still available bro? Guy of mine needs a miner account heard you might have one available.

    Frost epic numbers bro. Skill shown is insane here.

    Fr "defender".



    WASSAT - 29 HOFS

  • Hello,

    Moved to top 10, congratulations !


    "Когда ты смотришь на мир, помни, что каждый человек — это книга, о которой ты ничего не знаешь."

    > Forum rules <

  • Neotinea

    Added the Label Top 10 Solo
  • Neotinea

    Changed the title of the thread from “[TOT: 359.842.707.000] Frost [SUB_ZERO] vs. ZODIAC [MOFS] (A: 74.923.348.000, D: 284.919.359.000)” to “Solo Top 01 - [TOT: 359.842.707.000] Frost [SUB_ZERO] vs. ZODIAC [MOFS] (A: 74.923.348.000, D: 284.919.359.000)”.