ACS Top 10 - [TOT: 600.843.000] coSa & FragEmAll vs. Dreizord (A: 12.378.000, D: 588.465.000)

  • I meet Frag at forums post and become friends. He give me inspiration to make fleet and fly. After he call me to join in to his aliance we didnt have any acs until tonight.

    On 07-01-2025 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:

    Attacker coSa [D_D]


    Light Fighter 19.721

    Heavy Fighter 199

    Cruiser 2.388

    Battleship 1.326

    Bomber 283

    Destroyer 608

    Battlecruiser 3.251

    Reaper 2.877

    Pathfinder 29


    Attacker FragEmAll [D_D]


    Battlecruiser 14.185


    Defender Dreizord [NO MONEY]


    Small Cargo 1.500

    Large Cargo 8.100

    Light Fighter 4.782

    Recycler 25.167

    Espionage Probe 71

    Deathstar 1

    Battlecruiser 3

    Reaper 3

    Pathfinder 75


    After the battle ...

    Attacker coSa [D_D]


    Light Fighter 19.534 ( -187 )

    Heavy Fighter 199 ( -0 )

    Cruiser 2.373 ( -15 )

    Battleship 1.322 ( -4 )

    Bomber 283 ( -0 )

    Destroyer 605 ( -3 )

    Battlecruiser 3.235 ( -16 )

    Reaper 2.864 ( -13 )

    Pathfinder 29 ( -0 )


    Attacker FragEmAll [D_D]


    Battlecruiser 14.101 ( -84 )


    Defender Dreizord [NO MONEY]




    The attacker has won the battle!

    The attacker captured:

    11.887.567 metal, 11.887.568 crystal and 4.676.495 deuterium

    13.746.975 metal, 11.709.905 crystal and 779.416 deuterium

    6.873.487 metal, 5.854.952 crystal and 389.708 deuterium

    3.436.744 metal, 2.927.476 crystal and 194.854 deuterium

    The attacker lost a total of 12.378.000 units.

    The defender lost a total of 588.465.000 units.

    At these space coordinates now float 241.162.015 metal, 159.912.355 crystal and 39.504.032 deuterium.

    The attacker captured a total of 74.365.147 units.

    The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.

    The attacker(s) captured the debris.

    Summary of profit/losses:

    Summary attackers(s)

    Metal: 271.780.788

    Crystal: 187.075.256

    Deuterium: 43.709.505

    The attacker(s) made a profit of 502.565.549 units.

    Summary defender(s)

    Metal: -359.505.773

    Crystal: -245.244.901

    Deuterium: -58.079.473

    The defender(s) lost a total of 662.830.147 units.

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    Beers are on me


  • It was a pleasure to fly with you :) Keep up the great work! GLOTR defender

    Previously flying in UNi27, UNi44, & Nekkar, Back to fly for a while in 2024!
    Basic 20% HoF: 50+ (Stopped counting now)

    Advanced 20% HoF: 19 (+2 inactive)

    Super Advanced HoF: 2 (+1 inactive/banned)

    Top 10 ACS: 1 (Woooo!!!!)

  • Armand S

    Added the Label Top 10 ACS
  • Armand S

    Changed the title of the thread from “[TOT: 600.843.000] coSa & FragEmAll vs. Dreizord (A: 12.378.000, D: 588.465.000)” to “ACS Top 10 - [TOT: 600.843.000] coSa & FragEmAll vs. Dreizord (A: 12.378.000, D: 588.465.000)”.
  • Congrats


    "Когда ты смотришь на мир, помни, что каждый человек — это книга, о которой ты ничего не знаешь."

    > Forum rules <

  • didn't realise that it was big enough for a top 10! wooo! my first one!

    Previously flying in UNi27, UNi44, & Nekkar, Back to fly for a while in 2024!
    Basic 20% HoF: 50+ (Stopped counting now)

    Advanced 20% HoF: 19 (+2 inactive)

    Super Advanced HoF: 2 (+1 inactive/banned)

    Top 10 ACS: 1 (Woooo!!!!)