Solo Top 01 - [TOT: 40.122.623.000] KingOfTheNorth (Ottoman) vs. FrenkieWilde (NIKE) (A: 11.482.988.000, D: 28.639.635.000)

  • The player who swore revenge had produced 27 billion fleets using packages. Before we could enjoy it even for 2 days, its fleet joined our shipyard. I wish the defending side good days in real life.

    Bye Bye Happiness

    New Number 1 Solo

    On 08-01-2025 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:

    Attacker KingOfTheNorth [Ottoman]


    Cruiser 130.000

    Battleship 533

    Battlecruiser 443.902

    Reaper 60.000


    Defender FrenkieWilde [NIKE]


    Small Cargo 67.110

    Large Cargo 23.715

    Light Fighter 679.708

    Heavy Fighter 13.785

    Cruiser 8.218

    Battleship 4.159

    Recycler 86.585

    Espionage Probe 55.462

    Bomber 2.577

    Destroyer 2.049

    Deathstar 10

    Battlecruiser 161.443

    Reaper 54.782

    Pathfinder 5.249


    After the battle ...

    Attacker KingOfTheNorth [Ottoman]


    Cruiser 56.173 ( -73.827 )

    Battleship 367 ( -166 )

    Battlecruiser 337.285 ( -106.617 )

    Reaper 58.315 ( -1.685 )


    Defender FrenkieWilde [NIKE]


    Small Cargo 0 ( -67.110 )

    Large Cargo 0 ( -23.715 )

    Light Fighter 0 ( -679.708 )

    Heavy Fighter 0 ( -13.785 )

    Cruiser 0 ( -8.218 )

    Battleship 0 ( -4.159 )

    Recycler 0 ( -86.585 )

    Espionage Probe 0 ( -55.462 )

    Bomber 0 ( -2.577 )

    Destroyer 1 ( -2.048 )

    Deathstar 10 ( -0 )

    Battlecruiser 5 ( -161.438 )

    Reaper 62 ( -54.720 )

    Pathfinder 0 ( -5.249 )


    The battle ends in a draw.

    The attacker captured:

    0 metal, 0 crystal and 0 deuterium

    42.500.000 metal, 42.500.000 crystal and 42.500.000 deuterium

    452.892.966 metal, 286.914.950 crystal and 210.192.084 deuterium

    334.214.628 metal, 0 crystal and 5 deuterium

    The attacker lost a total of 11.482.988.000 units.

    The defender lost a total of 28.639.635.000 units.

    Total damage defender including follow-ups: 28.648.072.000 units.

    At these space coordinates now float 10.486.827.548 metal, 9.374.284.818 crystal and deuterium.

    The attacker captured a total of 1.411.714.633 units.

    The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.

    The attacker(s) captured the debris.

    Summary of profit/losses:

    Summary attackers(s)

    Metal: 6.493.183.742

    Crystal: 4.829.589.368

    Deuterium: 1.692.211.526

    The attacker(s) made a profit of 13.014.984.636 units.

    Summary defender(s)

    Metal: -14.237.534.594

    Crystal: -11.752.541.950

    Deuterium: -4.069.710.089

    The defender(s) lost a total of 30.059.786.633 units.

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  • Neotinea

    Approved the thread.
  • Congratulations on your top 1 :flowers:


    "Когда ты смотришь на мир, помни, что каждый человек — это книга, о которой ты ничего не знаешь."

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  • King Rabbit

    Added the Label Top 10 Solo
  • King Rabbit

    Changed the title of the thread from “[TOT: 40.122.623.000] KingOfTheNorth (Ottoman) vs. FrenkieWilde (NIKE) (A: 11.482.988.000, D: 28.639.635.000)” to “Solo Top 01 - [TOT: 40.122.623.000] KingOfTheNorth (Ottoman) vs. FrenkieWilde (NIKE) (A: 11.482.988.000, D: 28.639.635.000)”.