One quiet night, I was chilling spying on players before bed when I noticed Dariusk had left his entire fleet parked 😱
It was too good to pass up, so I msg Tulkas and said, “Hey, want to grab some easy billions?” He was in, obviously hahaha 😎
We sent our fleets, had an epic battle, and that was it, off to sleep 😇
And just like that, Mirana became a villain 👹
FR Dariusk 🫶🏼
On 11-01-2025 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:
Attacker Mirana [GRA]
Small Cargo 59.174
Large Cargo 41.247
Light Fighter 95.296
Heavy Fighter 45.818
Cruiser 29.207
Battleship 22.664
Bomber 12.025
Destroyer 20.684
Battlecruiser 45.645
Reaper 2.669
Pathfinder 23.206
Attacker Tulkas [GRA]
Small Cargo 158.413
Large Cargo 59.785
Light Fighter 256.162
Heavy Fighter 54.562
Cruiser 49.001
Battleship 29.262
Espionage Probe 204.651
Bomber 9.268
Destroyer 37.545
Battlecruiser 51.005
Reaper 4.162
Pathfinder 21.941
Defender DariusK [DIEVAS]
Small Cargo 24.856
Large Cargo 46.534
Light Fighter 111.311
Heavy Fighter 9.536
Cruiser 3.377
Battleship 104.063
Recycler 14.822
Espionage Probe 84.817
Bomber 1.352
Solar Satellite 32
Destroyer 897
Battlecruiser 12.366
Reaper 700
Pathfinder 3.850
Rocket Launcher 453.397
Light Laser 45.744
Heavy Laser 3.704
Gauss Cannon 1.045
Ion Cannon 1.746
Plasma Turret 7.536
Small Shield Dome 1
Large Shield Dome 1
After the battle ...
Attacker Mirana [GRA]
Small Cargo 32.534 ( -26.640 )
Large Cargo 26.741 ( -14.506 )
Light Fighter 52.543 ( -42.753 )
Heavy Fighter 28.825 ( -16.993 )
Cruiser 23.310 ( -5.897 )
Battleship 21.874 ( -790 )
Bomber 11.853 ( -172 )
Destroyer 20.609 ( -75 )
Battlecruiser 44.807 ( -838 )
Reaper 2.669 ( -0 )
Pathfinder 18.144 ( -5.062 )
Attacker Tulkas [GRA]
Small Cargo 88.909 ( -69.504 )
Large Cargo 40.177 ( -19.608 )
Light Fighter 143.388 ( -112.774 )
Heavy Fighter 35.197 ( -19.365 )
Cruiser 39.582 ( -9.419 )
Battleship 28.615 ( -647 )
Espionage Probe 63.814 ( -140.837 )
Bomber 9.170 ( -98 )
Destroyer 37.480 ( -65 )
Battlecruiser 50.187 ( -818 )
Reaper 4.161 ( -1 )
Pathfinder 17.456 ( -4.485 )
Defender DariusK [DIEVAS]
The attacker has won the battle!
The attacker captured:
65.901.677 metal, 10.878.427 crystal and 200.032.862 deuterium
The attacker lost a total of 2.929.530.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 11.468.454.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 3.825.458.165 metal, 2.008.854.538 crystal and 214.980.802 deuterium.
The attacker captured a total of 276.812.966 units.
The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 23%.
The attacker(s) captured the debris.
Summary of profit/losses:
Summary attackers(s)
Metal: 2.290.632.842
Crystal: 828.947.965
Deuterium: 276.995.664
The attacker(s) made a profit of 3.396.576.471 units.
Summary defender(s)
Metal: -7.671.385.677
Crystal: -3.345.239.427
Deuterium: -728.641.862
The defender(s) lost a total of 11.745.266.966 units.