Actually changing myself to Collector makes myself more idle => more time => bored => but super lazy to even log in and collect resources => once I lost an account for that (didnt expect 30 days deletion)
Posts by DarkPhoenix007
yeah I thought so, kinda late game, if not for expo debrises, then u cant compete with a 12+ planets collectors + full 150% overdrive crawlers, +20-40% items, (ofc with right planet positioning as well, at 1., 8. and 15.), as someone has said in other thread, kinda at 8. worths the most if u can use merchants. Would be more epic if crawler has no limit
But recycling my top 2 fleet would make me vulnerable when the merge comes.
what you do with your acc will not matter
deuterium consumption you can manage
loses in battle with pirates and aliens yo ucan manage
the increased % of fleet loss will eat you out
after 100 expo you can be profitable, after 500 too, after 1k too, all depending on luck
but i am talking doing the expo long run, doing 20k expo and more, the luck effect of RNG runs out and you get all the possible outcomes roughly enough times to represent their % chance od occurance, meaning fleet loss is not a question of will it happen, because it will, and not a question of how much times, because it will fill its %
if it didnt today it will tomorrow, if not on 20k it will on 21k or 22k and so on
as an example, once i had 4x fleet los in 24h and the next day another 2x, totaling 6x fleet los in 48h
it destroys you
and after that i had around 20 days with no fleet los
that was before fleet los chance was doubled
when you take in accound wall that you need to do, all loses to manage you rough up around net zero gains, depending on some little margins because fleet los are rare events but of massive significance
some tactic can be to send big big expo and then just trans till you hit a fleet los, and the big ones again
but that is just playing with the devil
when it hits your main fleet you are done for as your recovery is gonna take longer than normal
thats why I just now changed into collector, slower incomes, sending expos for DMs only and focusing on mines, because after calculation, my uni has 1.0 ratio deut, in a long run Im actually standing at 1 spot. All the addition ships I had built to increase income will eventually end up in blackholes and im back to the start of recovering the lost fleet.
wierdly enough today i did some backtracking of my expo and did few tables and calculations
what i have found out left me amazed
so basically if you send some type of fleet the pirates and aliens try to match you and after the fight there is DF to collect
so i figured it is in our best interest to send as much combat ships as you can and collect all the df, gg easy gains
you can gain much more than just resources finds
you basicaly turn not good event of pirates into a super good event of DF from pirates you destroy
now shure what all others have been doing for past 1y4m but not sending expos is a mistake on your part
later bees
That was what others had done all the time mate
send just cargo ships
build mines
expo days are over
So not worth even converting account into HS fleet with tech 3?
Wth, and the result? It must be super collector empire now :D, but, what do u need that big planet for, same if u make them 46/38/37 + nano 7, warehouse each lvl 14*3, + 17 lab, lvl 25 reactor, shipyard 12 = would make only 224 slots. I demolite all unnecessary building and its done.
224 slots ... the end of building for you, the beginning of fun for me
well u have triple of my points so yeah, maybe u have the point any advice on expo for this poor fellow CZ?
after sending all the expo i recicled all the fleet, recolonized all planets to be big and rebuild whole acc from scrap, well except research
Wth, and the result? It must be super collector empire now :D, but, what do u need that big planet for, same if u make them 46/38/37 + nano 7, warehouse each lvl 14*3, + 17 lab, lvl 25 reactor, shipyard 12 = would make only 224 slots. I demolite all unnecessary building and its done.
i left all less than 300
I dont have any more than 300 lol fk, our uni has +25 only
We also have +25. As a discoverer, you can colonize 315-320
sht happens, I always start to do that when Im collector..... when Iwas discoverer, I was busy sending expos :D.....just changed back to collector recently after few huge blackholes and was like fk, 20.+ colo. attemps and all are so small
Za mě fleet 1, eko 1,výzkum 1, spotřeba deu 20 , abych si zavzpomínal na časy ze starejch serverů a hlavně a aby mě nikdo nepreskocil v pořadí
Ses zlej
i left all less than 300
I dont have any more than 300 lol fk, our uni has +25 only
I was not profitable before the update. BH was still coming. And after recalculating the deuterium, I was a little in the red.
Last month, out of curiosity, I only sent 3k LF, 1k LC, 1R and 1D. I sent 664 expe and here is the profit :How many points does the top1 player have?…_a=1&univers=_135&pays=17
but I'm crazy. I left 10 planets built on 41/36/37, nano7 lab16 too small, now I have 320
so planets with less than 220 I should leave?
Takhle to úplně nefunguje bobane
tak jak?
your position on the leaderboards does not matter for the decision to convert to new acc
what matters is are yo uable to spend all the ress you gain, and are you flying the most optimal fleet comp
if the answers are yes and yes there is nothing to change
if the first is a no then you either change the fleet comp or transition to new acc
note that each uni has different tresholds depending on uni characteristics
if you are able to meet your deuterium needs by tradeing with other players it just means you are not big enough
i am in 0,5 deuterium consumption and was consumeing around 1bln deuterium daily and i even had the highest lvl deuterium mines in the uni at slot 15, produceing around 100/120mil daily
there was not enough mines in the uni to meet my needs and i was only 3rd biggest expo sender and there were a few smaller than me too
so merchant is your freind, 3:2:1 rates are good
Ofc im not sastified with this amount of deut trade :D, I can fly only at 50% output, if more, then 1 mld deut are gone in 1 week. (Just 30 mld. fleet in total only :D) but I play in server of deut 1.0, had to slowly change into pure BK fleets for less deut consuming, was thinking of converting into new acc with HS only to save more deut.
hello guys,
i was wondering what the best style to play is collector vs discoverer.
i already know what most people will say disco..
but take a look at my account and how i do expo's.
my account has currently 13 planets.
mines 41-34-39
plasma tech 16
i do at max 20 expo's a day ( no combat style)
expo fleet each wave:
1 probe
1 PF
1 reaper
9000 LC
number 1 got around 130m mio points.
what is the best considering i have those mines and i only do expo's with cargo's?
should i turn in to collector?
or should i keep flying with just cargo's?
or should i start flying for pirates/aliens and with what combo?
To make the answer simple. With your mines, collector is better. I used to play as discoverer before the nerf, and i send exactly like you, only LC for Resources and ships, and i made between 350 mil and 700 mil depending on how good or bad that day was. But here is the thing, i was sending expos around the clock, between 12-16 waves of 7 expos to get to those numbers, and i have to say, it became seriously stressful, and i was not getting to much deut. And now with the marketplace gone, you won't have where to sell your ships anymore. I have very similar mines like yours and i couldn't be happier as a collector. I don't stress out about anything and just let that sweet production pile up. + look at it this way, if you only send for ress and ships, 20 expos per day, your winnings will be limited, but as a miner, your income from the collector bonus will keep increasing on and on.
I just changed myself to miner, from being discoverer the whole time. My mines arent as high as him, the income is lower, but constantly growing yeah.
Otevřu hlasování parametry, jak je povolen piink.
Za mě
Vesmír - Oberon
Parametry: 4x rychlost letek / 7x rychlost ekonomiky / 16x výzkum , 70% DF, 50% spotřeba, 4 galaxií, +30 polí -
Tak sem hoďte hlasování jaké parametry byste chtěli mít Rhea.
Za mě tak eko x10, rychlosti letek x5, výzkumy na x16, 70% spotřeby deut, +30 polí
Aliens are always +3 anyway though and pirates are found 2x as much as aliens so you'd rather build an advantage over pirates than try to reduce the losses on aliens