Posts by Zenitsusan

    Tid: 8/2kl 18.00 - 9/2 kl 22.00

    Event: Der vil blive givet et tilbud på 30% - 100% mere Mørk Materie ved køb i tidsperioden.

    Bemærk: De 30% gælder "kun" de serverer der er yngre end 12 måneder, og alle serverer ældre end 12 måneder vil have 100%

    Får 30% HH Wezn, , Virgo, Xanthus, Yildun, Zibal, Aquarius, Bellatrix
    Får 100% HH Uni 1, Polaris, Tarazed, Uriel



    Dit OGame.DK Team


    Thursday, 6th of February, we will update OGame Mobile App with version 7.5.3



    • Updated the Unity version used for development of the app
    • Adjusted the lobby buttons order to prevent accidental clicks on "start out on a new server"


    • Fixed a missing script error that appeared when entering a universe

    Note: The new version will be available as soon as it's approved by Google/Apple. Not all devices will have the new version available in the shop at the same time.

    Hello commanders!

    Thursday, February 6, we will update the live servers with the newest game version:
    - at 10:00 CET all universes (except Graveyards)
    - at 13:00 CET the rest of the communities and both Graveyard servers

    - Added new rewards to several achievement tiers.
    - Fixed an issue that replaced the displayed amount of an item you have with your current amount of Dark Matter.
    - OGM: Fixed an issue where multiple espionage reports were permanently deleted
    - Several fixes and improvements in the back end that might lead to front end issues which can be fixed with a hard reload (For Chrome Ctrl+Shift+R (clearing the browser cache) . For Firefox, Internet Explorer and Opera GX use Ctrl+F5. For Opera Ctrl+Shift+Del.).

    Note: After the maintenance we will enable the Lobby account gifting option.

    Note 2: If you gift your account, all achievements and season achievements unlocked on this account will be permanently removed. The associated rewards will no longer be available on your servers and will be replaced with the default graphics.

    The OGame Team

    Dear Community,

    Today, Thursday, 30th of January, we will update OGame Mobile App with version 7.4.1



    • Set the default mode on android devices to full screen to remedy an issue that caused text fields to be unresponsive
    • Adjusted expedition reports to now also show images of loot
    • Added multiple changes to how the chat refreshes and receives messages
    • Added an indicator showing how to swipe and accept buddy requests and other similar sliding elements
    • Added the feature to auto-scroll to the players own score when opening any high score category
    • Adjusted the feedback window, removing the additional text field for more visual clarity
    • Added a column to show the difference per level to the space docks tech tree
    • Adjusted expedition reports to now also show images of loot


    • Fixed an issue where the keyboard was covering the chat on android devices
    • Fixed issues with planet relocations that lead to wrong target destinations or failed attempts
    • Fixed an issue where trying to send an expedition from a moon would produce an error
    • Fixed an error where the scrap merchant would display an error when scraping all ships of one type
    • Fixed an issue where the sparkle guiding you to IPI missions would disappear after switching planets
    • Fixed an issue where the sparkle would remain after an IPI mission was completed
    • Fixed some issues with the "claim all"-button at the end of an IPI chapter
    • Fixed issues with initially opening the page the users score is on in the high score
    • Fixed the space docks tech tree not showing a difference in capacity per level
    • Fixed the Life Form Technology defaulting back to the first slot after starting an upgrade
    • Fixed the widgets in the main screen sometimes getting disabled after moving the planet info panels around

    Note: The new version will be available as soon as it's approved by Google/Apple. Not all devices will have the new version available in the shop at the same time.

    Hello commanders!

    Starting, Friday, 31st of January we will have a new rewards event starting at 14:10 CET (all servers).
    The event consists of 7 tiers and will be active until the 7th of February 14:00 CET.

    Each day you will have a series of tasks to achieve and each task will grant tritium.
    The maximum of tritium you can accumulate per day is 1200 (+20% if you have all commanding staff active).

    Have fun!

    The OGame Team

    Kære OGamers,

    Næste planlagte vedligeholdelse af vores servere er tirsdag 27. Januar. Genstarten vil begynde ca kl 10.00 - 10.25.

    Den forventet nede tid er få minutter.

    Vi beklager ulejligheden dette måtte medføre.

    Dit OGame.DK Team

    Dato: 26/1 - 28/1

    Tid: Hele dagen.

    Event: Der vil være rabat at finde på alle platin items i perioden.

    Dette vil være et trappe udsalg. Det betyder jo højre værdien af varen er, jo højere er rabatten!

    Dette gælder også klasse ændrings items



    Dit OGame.DK Team