Irishflash memorial

  • To be honest I still can't wrap my head around this.

    I met Flash in Metin2.Us alongside Daaq, Sochin, and Kitty around 7 years ago. I never knew that I'd one day have a second family, my online family which Flash was a huge part of. They all helped younger me build her confidence up, and Flash always had that father/big brother vibe to him and was always amazing and supportive.

    My head is being flooded while writing this with memories of the countless chats, laughs, and fun times we all had together on TeamSpeak throughout the years and how Flash was always a main part of it all.

    Flash was always the strongest one between us. He fought well and we expected nothing less from him. Forever an inspiration.

    My condolences go to both his families; IRL family and our online family.

    Rest in peace Flash. We will all keep you in our prayers and thoughts.

  • It's been 12 month's since you left us Flash...each day is like yesterday to me....never thought it would be this hard without you...nothing is the is not the heart is left this last song for me ,knowing how much I would be hurting....just putting it here as you wished, to remind me you are still here....

  • Happy Birthday Flash......every year you hated the fuss, the presents and didn't want to hear them words "Happy Birthday"

    But as always I said them and you would pretend it was just another day....and it is just another day....another day without you....miss you terribly....

  • It's 2 years since you left Flash....17th October 1920....Everyday without you... still hurts like crazy....Just to hear your voice one more time and tell you all the things that have happened , would be my greatest wish...You are with me everyday in my heart I know this....the conversations we had are still in my mind and your words of love and wisdom will always be with me and comfort you said... "Nothing can tear us apart".... For the Power Of Love binds the heart

  • strange how randomly you think of people you've met in your past. And appreciate what they have done for you.

    Driving past Flashes house today... Half thought to myself "ah sure I'll pop over and say hi"

    Still pops into our minds from time to time.

    Can't seam to find such a great friend again, right kitty.

  • Everyday is strange Daaq, when using the keyboard....always expecting flash to pop up..... and you are right..... will never find a great friend like flash we always said.... and so did flash...." There is only one flash"... and there is only ever one great love....and I was blessed to have both....Always on my mind....

  • 17th October 2020.....Its been 3 years now flash since you have left us all....they say time heals everything....but not how much time it takes to heal...

    Be nice if we could press a button and talk with you....just to let you know how everyone is getting on....and have a laugh and share the little pleasures that you have missed....everyday you are with my mind and were the reason my life was full of love...unconditional love ...was always there guiding best greatest love....miss you so much...

  • Happy heavenly Birthday on the 27th flash..... still miss you badly....have the memories of us all playing ogame and hours in Teamspeak...with all the gang glad we had glad of the good memories....