localised oGame forum login problem

  • Hi team,

    I recently rejoined the game. I have registered an english/global game and forums and they are works fine. Now I have found the localised (hungarian) game site but i am unable to join with my username/password or with my gameforge account. I tried and I could join one of the localised universe, and tried to reach the localised forum from it. Redirection works but i am not logged in and I cant. When i try to log in manually, it seems my email is not registered and if I try to log in with my gameforge account it says {"status":"failed","error":"insecure_redirection"}

    I appreciate any help

    thank you in advance

  • Hiho!

    From what i could see the OGame.hu has new forum registrations and should be working. But please send a ticket to the OGame.hu forum team in order to get the proper help.
    OGame.mx still has the previous WBB version (4), the system will be working when it will get the upgrade to wbb5. So far you need to create a specific account on that forum and is not possible to link with the Gameforge.com login.


  • Thx for your time and help

    any idea if the MX forum will be Upgrade


  • i would like to give a detailed info, maybe my original post was not crystal clear
    In the attachment you can see some screenshots: (top to bottom hub1.jpg forum1.jpg forum2.jpg error.jpg)

    1. hub.jpg

    You can see here the hungarian oGame hub and in the top right corner you can see that I am logged in into gameforge (I can play on hungarian universes)

    2. forum1.jpg

    I have clicked on forums (on hub.jpg) and redirected in a new tab of my browser and it shows the main page of the hungarian forum. As you can see in the top right corner, I am no longer logged in into gameforge (on this page of my browser only)

    3. forum2. jpg
    I have clicked (on forum1.jpg) on login or register and I see this login window
    4. in that login window (forum2. jpg) If I click on the top blue button (gameforge login) I get this "{"status":"failed","error":"insecure_redirection"}" message in a white new screen, nothing else

    5. in that login window (forum2. jpg) If I click on the register gameforge button, I am redirected in a new browser tab to the en-gb register page and if I try to register, it says I am already registered.

    6. error.jpg in that login window (forum2. jpg) If I try to log in with my email and password I get this error message (my email is unknown)

    After a couple of some break dance move (cant remember the whole process) I could navigate myself some kind of register site, (probably it was the forum's registering page) and I registered my email. It seemed that I could register my email here but i does not solved the problem. (Maybe you could see it as a fresh register at hu forums)

    I have joined to one of the hu universes to try it works or not, and from it i could open a ticket yesterday about this problem. I did not get an answer yet but its fine, Im ok with waiting. I know these things take time.

  • If you are using the same login data from the Gameforge.com login it should work.

    Just the mentioned point 6. won't work in case you merged the board account with your Gameforge.com one, so that 'error' you'll always have.

    I'm sorry but we cannot help you here, contact the OGame.hu team in order to get that fixed: https://ogame.support.gameforge.com/hu


  • We don't have a date for the MX upgrade unfortunately.


  • ok thx for the time and the info

    hope u find some time to fix the upgrate